Designer, Web Dev, Consultant
Few anime fans force themselves to watch regularly unless they write reviews for money. But I asked myself last year:…
Nerd Alert… If you couldn’t tell, I drink the WordPress koolaid. It’s missing some advanced features, but nothing that a…
Hey, thanks for reading my blog. This is a personal one. This week marks 9 years since I started consulting…
Chicago’s anime fans circa 2006 had a problem. Some incredible Japanese films and cultural events were happening around the city,…
Never in a million years did I plan to revive my blog. Here we are. Social media implosions aside, 2023…
Starting in Spring 2014, a dozen people have been organizing regular indie videogame parties here in Chicago. I’m one of…
When I heard Skillcrush was seeking a remote, part-time WordPress mentor, I got really excited! I find teaching extremely fulfilling but didn’t have the headspace…
I took the full-time plunge as a digital marketing consultant in Oct 2014. I serve nonprofits, communities, and indie game developers…
I’m the founder and president of Chicago’s largest non-profit anime club. We host 8 meetups each month for over 800 members…
Many people don’t understand the effort it takes to market a game, let alone book, build, and run an exhibition…